- ImML::EastCirclePineVolume, height, and diameter of 300 pine trees in East Circle Jammu
- rcompanion::AndersonHypothetical data for Alexander Anderson
- rcompanion::AndersonBiasHypothetical data for Alexander Anderson with gender bias
- rcompanion::AndersonRainBarrelHypothetical data for Alexander Anderson on rain barrel installation
- rcompanion::AndersonRainGardenHypothetical data for Alexander Anderson on rain garden installation
- rcompanion::BobBelcherHypothetical data for ratings of instructors in unreplicated CBD
- rcompanion::BreakfastHypothetical data for students' breakfast habits and travel to school
- rcompanion::BrendonSmallHypothetical data for Brendon Small and company
- rcompanion::BullyHillHypothetical data for proportion of students passing a certification
- rcompanion::CatbusHypothetical data for Catbus and company
- rcompanion::HayleySmithHypothetical data for responses about adopting lawn care practices
- rcompanion::MonarchsHypothetical data for monarch butterflies in gardens
- rcompanion::NurseriesData for proportion of good practices followed by plant nuseries
- rcompanion::Pennsylvania18Votes for the Democratic candidate in Pennsylvania 18 in 2016 and 2018
- rcompanion::PoohHypothetical data for paired ratings of Pooh Bear
- rcompanion::PoohPigletHypothetical data for ratings of Pooh, Piglet, and Tigger
- rcompanion::ReligionHypothetical data for change in religion after a caucusing event