Package: rcompanion 2.5.0

rcompanion: Functions to Support Extension Education Program Evaluation

Functions and datasets to support Summary and Analysis of Extension Program Evaluation in R, and An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics. Vignettes are available at <>.

Authors:Salvatore Mangiafico [aut, cre]

rcompanion.pdf |rcompanion.html
rcompanion/json (API)

# Install 'rcompanion' in R:
install.packages('rcompanion', repos = c('', ''))
  • Anderson - Hypothetical data for Alexander Anderson
  • AndersonBias - Hypothetical data for Alexander Anderson with gender bias
  • AndersonRainBarrel - Hypothetical data for Alexander Anderson on rain barrel installation
  • AndersonRainGarden - Hypothetical data for Alexander Anderson on rain garden installation
  • BobBelcher - Hypothetical data for ratings of instructors in unreplicated CBD
  • Breakfast - Hypothetical data for students' breakfast habits and travel to school
  • BrendonSmall - Hypothetical data for Brendon Small and company
  • BullyHill - Hypothetical data for proportion of students passing a certification
  • Catbus - Hypothetical data for Catbus and company
  • HayleySmith - Hypothetical data for responses about adopting lawn care practices
  • Monarchs - Hypothetical data for monarch butterflies in gardens
  • Nurseries - Data for proportion of good practices followed by plant nuseries
  • Pennsylvania18 - Votes for the Democratic candidate in Pennsylvania 18 in 2016 and 2018
  • Pooh - Hypothetical data for paired ratings of Pooh Bear
  • PoohPiglet - Hypothetical data for ratings of Pooh, Piglet, and Tigger
  • Religion - Hypothetical data for change in religion after a caucusing event



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

7.93 score 4 stars 5 packages 2.4k scripts 19k downloads 149 mentions 78 exports 68 dependencies

Last updated 20 days agofrom:4e619f4ce5. Checks:6 OK, 2 FAILURE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 13 2025
R-4.5-winOKFeb 13 2025
R-4.5-macOKFeb 13 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 13 2025
R-4.4-winOKFeb 13 2025
R-4.4-macOKFeb 13 2025
R-4.3-winOUTDATEDJan 23 2025
R-4.3-macOUTDATEDJan 23 2025



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Functions to Support Extension Education Program Evaluationrcompanion-package
Minimum maximum accuracy, mean absolute percent error, median absolute error, root mean square error, coefficient of variation, and Efron's pseudo r-squaredaccuracy
Hypothetical data for Alexander AndersonAnderson
Hypothetical data for Alexander Anderson with gender biasAndersonBias
Hypothetical data for Alexander Anderson on rain barrel installationAndersonRainBarrel
Hypothetical data for Alexander Anderson on rain garden installationAndersonRainGarden
Normal scores transformationblom
Hypothetical data for ratings of instructors in unreplicated CBDBobBelcher
Hypothetical data for students' breakfast habits and travel to schoolBreakfast
Hypothetical data for Brendon Small and companyBrendonSmall
Hypothetical data for proportion of students passing a certificationBullyHill
Hypothetical data for Catbus and companyCatbus
Cate-Nelson models for bivariate datacateNelson
Cate-Nelson models for bivariate data with a fixed critical Y valuecateNelsonFixedY
Compact letter display for lists of comparisonscldList
Cliff's deltacliffDelta
Cohen's g and odds ratio for paired contingency tablescohenG
Cohen's h to compare proportions for 2 x 2 contingency tablescohenH
Cohen's w (omega)cohenW
Compare fit statistics for glm modelscompareGLM
Compare fit statistics for lm modelscompareLM
Correlation and measures of associationcorrelation
Count pseudo r-squared for logistic and other binary outcome modelscountRSquare
Cramer's V (phi)cramerV
Cramer's V for chi-square goodness-of-fit testscramerVFit
Efron's pseudo r-squaredefronRSquared
Freeman's thetafreemanTheta
Convert a lower triangle matrix to a full matrixfullPTable
Post-hoc tests for Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel testgroupwiseCMH
Groupwise geometric means and confidence intervalsgroupwiseGeometric
Groupwise Huber M-estimators and confidence intervalsgroupwiseHuber
Groupwise means and confidence intervalsgroupwiseMean
Groupwise medians and confidence intervalsgroupwiseMedian
Groupwise percentiles and confidence intervalsgroupwisePercentile
Groupwise sumsgroupwiseSum
Hypothetical data for responses about adopting lawn care practicesHayleySmith
Kendall's W with bootstrapped confidence intervalkendallW
Mangiafico's dmangiaficoD
Hypothetical data for monarch butterflies in gardensMonarchs
Mangiafico's dmultiMangiaficoD
Pairwise Vargha and Delaney's A and Cliff's deltamultiVDA
Pseudo r-squared measures for various modelsnagelkerke
[Defunct!] Pseudo r-squared measures for hermite modelsnagelkerkeHermite
Exact and McNemar symmetry tests for paired contingency tablesnominalSymmetryTest
Data for proportion of good practices followed by plant nuseriesNurseries
Dominance statistic for one-sample dataoneSampleDominance
Eta-squared for ordinal variablesordinalEtaSquared
Dominance statistic for two-sample paired datapairedSampleDominance
[Defunct!] Pairwise differences for unreplicated CBDpairwiseDifferences
Pairwise McNemar and related tests for Cochran Q test post-hocpairwiseMcnemar
Pairwise Mood's median tests with matrix outputpairwiseMedianMatrix
Pairwise Mood's median testspairwiseMedianTest
Compare model objects with F test and likelihood ratio testpairwiseModelAnova
Pairwise tests of independence for nominal datapairwiseNominalIndependence
Pairwise tests of independence for nominal data with matrix outputpairwiseNominalMatrix
Pairwise tests of independence for tables with one ordered nominal variablepairwiseOrdinalIndependence
[Defunct!] Pairwise two-sample ordinal regression with matrix outputpairwiseOrdinalMatrix
[Defunct!] Pairwise two-sample ordinal regression for paired data with matrix outputpairwiseOrdinalPairedMatrix
[Defunct!] Pairwise two-sample ordinal regression for paired datapairwiseOrdinalPairedTest
[Defunct!] Pairwise two-sample ordinal regressionpairwiseOrdinalTest
Pairwise permutation tests for percentilespairwisePercentileTest
Pairwise two-sample independence tests with matrix outputpairwisePermutationMatrix
Pairwise two-sample symmetry testspairwisePermutationSymmetry
Pairwise two-sample symmetry tests with matrix outputpairwisePermutationSymmetryMatrix
Pairwise two-sample independence testspairwisePermutationTest
[Defunct!] Pairwise two-sample robust tests with matrix outputpairwiseRobustMatrix
[Defunct!] Pairwise two-sample robust testspairwiseRobustTest
[Defunct!] Pairwise sign tests with matrix outputpairwiseSignMatrix
[Defunct!] Pairwise sign testspairwiseSignTest
Votes for the Democratic candidate in Pennsylvania 18 in 2016 and 2018Pennsylvania18
Test of percentiles by permutation testpercentileTest
Histogram with a density curveplotDensityHistogram
Density plot with a normal curveplotNormalDensity
Histogram with a normal curveplotNormalHistogram
Plot a predicted line from a bivariate modelplotPredy
Convert PMCMR Objects to a Data FramePMCMRTable
Hypothetical data for paired ratings of Pooh BearPooh
Hypothetical data for ratings of Pooh, Piglet, and TiggerPoohPiglet
Quantiles and confidence intervalsquantileCI
Hypothetical data for change in religion after a caucusing eventReligion
Scheirer Ray Hare testscheirerRayHare
Spearman's rho, Kendall's tau, Pearson's rspearmanRho
Tukey's Ladder of PowerstransformTukey
Vargha and Delaney's Avda
r effect size for Wilcoxon one-sample signed-rank testwilcoxonOneSampleR
Rank biserial correlation coefficient for one-sample Wilcoxon testwilcoxonOneSampleRC
Agresti's Generalized Odds Ratio for Stochastic DominancewilcoxonOR
r effect size for Wilcoxon two-sample paired signed-rank testwilcoxonPairedR
Matched-pairs rank biserial correlation coefficientwilcoxonPairedRC
Grissom and Kim's Probability of Superiority (PS)wilcoxonPS
r effect size for Wilcoxon two-sample rank-sum testwilcoxonR
Glass rank biserial correlation coefficientwilcoxonRG
Wilcoxon z statisticwilcoxonZ